धर्मं जिज्ञासमानानां प्रमाणं परमं श्रुतिः ॥

Veda is for those seeking for the knowledge of Dharma.

Scholar sages got many thoughts while living in the middle of nature, like, "What is this world? What is beyond this world? Who is the controller of this world? What is our position in this world? What is the secret of birth and death? What is the life force in our body? Who made the sun, moon, and constellations? What is a disease? How do I avoid this? Many such questions arose in the minds of the sages out of curiosity.To pacify the same curiosity, sages did many spiritual practices and measures. The truth of those practices' and measures is stored in the Vedas. The more we learn about God and his creation, the more we realise there is a bottomless ocean of knowledge ahead of us, and we don't know how many more there will be. As the sages kept imbibing wonderful and amazing secrets, they kept getting miraculous revelations, and at every moment a new page of knowledge kept opening in front of them. The truth of those open pages of knowledge is contained in the Vedas. We only learn from the Vedas that the controller of this world is a wonderful co-existence and that its power is eternal and limitless. He is the Parmatma. When we are stuck in a dilemma, we pray to develop our intelligence. The one to whom we pray is God, who is the storehouse of infinite knowledge. The essence of these prayers of sages is present in the Vedas. Curiosity to know that 'Satya Swarup," situated beyond our thinking, is the subject of antipathy towards the Vedas The Vedas are the books of GYAN, KARMA, UPASNA, and various rituals. In the Vedas, the sages expressed their deep knowledge in esoteric terms. This is the reason why the present generation does not try to understand the truth of the esoteric knowledge contained in the Vedas. It seems to be something beyond his intellect. In essence, she wants to get in as soon as possible. He does not have enough time to read and meditate on the thousands of mantras stored in the Vedas. The more times the mantras contained in the Vedas are recited, the more new meaning emerges from them. By studying the Vedas, we experience the truth that which ideology or knowledge is not contained in the Vedas, that is, Vedas are hymns of all ideologies.
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