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  • #1655
    AvatarEssien Joy
        • Sadhak (Devotee)

        Sanatan dharma, a complex and diverse spiritual tradition has different views on the consumption of Alcohol and Cigarettes.

        Here is why.

        In Sanatan Dharma there are different sects and each sect has different views on the consumption of alcohol and Cigarettes.

        These sects help with spiritual growth in Sanatan dharma and they each have their own rituals,practices and the interpretation of sacred texts.

        Some of the sects include:

        1) Vaishnavism: These groups follow Lord Vishnu and abstain from consuming alcohol and cigarettes in order to maintain purity or “Ahimsa” ,the principle of doing no harm or violence.

        2) Shaivism: These groups identify as the followers of lord Shiva,hold different views based on an individual choice. While some people may think about moderation others are more strict.

        3) Brahman: The Brahman  groups are strictly forbidden from the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes.

        Similar to the different sects, certain hindu scriptures such as the “Vishnu Smriti, Rigveda, Manu Smriti and Garuda Purana”, also have different views regarding the use and consumption of Alcohol and cigarettes.

        Some parts of these texts and their views include:

        1) Vishnu smriti 22.84:“The ten intoxicating drinks are unclean for a Brahmana; but a Kshatriya and a Vaishya commit no wrong in drinking them.”

        This text Forbids the consumption of alcohol by the Brahmana sects.  while it is not wrong for a vaishya or kshatriya sect.

        2) Rigveda 7.86.6: “An action performed as per the inner voice does not lead to sins. Dumb arrogance against the inner voice, however, is a source of frustration and miseries, in the same manner as intoxication and gambling
        destroy us.”

        This text prohibits members of the Brahmana sect from consuming alcohol.  although it is acceptable for a Kshatriya or Vaishya sect.

        3) Manu smriti 5.56: “There is no sin inherent in the eating of meat, nor in wine, nor in sexual intercourse. Such is the natural way of living beings; but abstention is conducive to great rewards.”

        This text explains why  abstinence is important as well as it yields great rewards.

        4) Garuda Purana 1.55.34-35:  “Used judiciously, wine relieves a person of worries; otherwise, it leads one to suffering. It gives the ability to work, helps the natural functions, and blesses with enhanced beauty. Judicious use of wine is like that of the nectar of immortality.”

        This text states that  alcohol can be taken in moderations and also relays some benefits.

        The benefits refer to the “Ayurvedic” views.

        The “Ayurvedic” is the traditional Indian medical system closely linked to sanatan dharma.

        Some of the benefits of alcohol are:

        1) It helps boost appetite and improves absorption.

        2) It helps warm up the body.

        3) It controls sleep

        However, these benefits are only applicable when taken in moderations or prescribed by a professional.

        In General, Sanatan dharma, different from other religions having no rule book or sin, have different perspectives on the consumption of Alcohol and Cigarettes but it is advisable to abstain from these intoxicants as sanatan dharma is associated with purity and Ahmsa.

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