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  • #1146
    AvatarShivam Vishwakarma
        • Acharya (Teacher)
        • ★★★★

        The Concept Of Chakra

        The term “chakra” comes from the Sanskrit language and meaning “wheel” or “disk.” According to yoga, these chakras are in charge of the flow of energy throughout the body and play a significant part in our general health and well-being. The body has seven major chakras, each positioned at a different location along the spine. The root chakra, sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, third eye chakra, and crown chakra are the seven chakras. Each chakra is connected with a different colour, element, and bodily part. Furthermore, each chakra is said to have its own distinct properties and attributes.

        Types Of Chakras.

        • The root (muladhara) chakra is related with the colour red and is linked to our sense of security and stability. It is positioned at the base of the spine.
        • The sacral (svadhishthana) chakra is related with the colour orange and is linked to our emotions and creativity. It is placed in the lower belly.
        • The solar plexus (manipura) chakra is related with the colour yellow and is linked to our sense of personal strength and confidence. It is located in the upper belly.
        • The heart chakra (anahata), located in the middle of the chest, is linked to our ability to give and receive love and is related with the colour green.
        • The throat chakra (vishuddha) is related with the colour blue and is linked to our ability to communicate successfully.
        • The third eye chakra (ajna), located in the centre of the forehead, is related with the colour indigo and is associated with our intuition and spiritual consciousness.
        • The crown (sahasrara) chakra is related with the colour violet and is linked to our connection to the divine. It is placed at the top of the head.

        How You Can Activate Each Chakra.

        Yoga seeks to balance and activate the chakras, facilitating physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. This is frequently accomplished by employing particular yoga positions, or asanas, that target each chakra. For example, movements like the mountain stance can stimulate the root chakra, while poses like the camel pose can stimulate the heart chakra. Other yoga techniques, such as pranayama (breathing exercises) and meditation, can be utilized in addition to asanas to balance and activate the chakras. Alternate nostril breathing, for example, can be used to activate the third eye chakra, whilst crown chakra meditation can improve spiritual awareness and connection to the divine.

        Finally, the notion of chakras is an essential component of yoga practise. We may promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing and obtain a stronger feeling of general well-being by balancing and activating these energy centers. Yoga, whether via postures, breathing exercises, or meditation, is a potent technique for balancing and activating the chakras and fostering maximum health and well-being.



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