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  • #1952
    Avatarina rath
        • Sadhak (Devotee)

        Women in ancient India, according to Hindu scriptures and texts, have always been portrayed as symbols of strength, wisdom, and the very epitome of divine essence. Though ancient India witnessed a strong patriarchal presence, women were valued and respected within the confines of gender roles and socio-religious norms, according to Hindu scriptures. According to scriptures, women were seen in diverse roles, although they varied depending on different historical periods and contexts.Respect and restrictions went hand-in-hand in ancient times for women in the way she was portrayed as a mother and wife. She was labelled as the upholder of customs, traditions, power, and creativity, eventually shaping the cultural landscape of India. Hindu scriptures can be very complex when it comes to the role of women in ancient times, as they reflect both social inequality and the role of goddesses.

        In Hindu scriptures, she is the divine feminine and the embodiment of Shakti, and she was worshipped as a goddess such as Lakshmi, Saraswati, Parvati, and Durga with much devotion. This portrayal of women as the greater divine had a significant impact on Hindu society’s social, cultural, religious, and political landscape. As per the Hindu religious scriptures, women were also treated as the divine consorts of male deities, emphasizing the idea of divine unity. Sita and Rama, Radha and Krishna, Parvati and Shiva are some of the striking examples of the spiritual union of masculine and feminine energy. This image of women as consorts highlights the value of mutual harmony, interconnectedness, and balance in the universe.

        The primary tenet of Hinduism as a religion is that there is only one supreme being and not any gender. Certain Hindu scriptures, such as the Vedas, advocate the idea of equality and that women are equal to men. Indeed, scriptures also talk about women’s role in education and their participation in rituals and other religious ceremonies. Though the traditional Gurukul system was predominantly male-centric, there is evidence of girls receiving education in ashrams. Gargi and Maitreyi in the Upanishads are revered and celebrated for their enigmatic wisdom, spiritual discourse, and undefined knowledge.

        Women were also considered the source of nourishment, care, sustenance, and compassion in Hindu scriptures. Motherhood was highly revered in the scriptures for its ability to safeguard and nourish life. She is considered the celestial mother in the form of goddesses such as Kali, Lakshmi, Durga, and Sarwawati, protecting and providing.

        Social roles and duties are also defined in the Hindu scriptures in the context of family and society. For the welfare and balance of communities, women were expected to fulfil the roles of mother, wife, daughter, and caretakers. This also demonstrated how resilient women are and their enduring spirit to deal with situations with dignity, courage, and determination.

        All the above interpretations of women perceived in Hindu scriptures in ancient times have evolved over centuries due to shifts in social and cultural forces. The mediaeval and early modern eras have witnessed women operating within the dominant patriarchal institution, with only a few having created history, such as Rani Lakshmibai of Jhansi. With power vested in male members, women in this era had to adhere to traditional gender roles and be confined to family duties, childrearing, and domestic activities. Sati and widowhood were in practice during this period, when women were viewed as a marginalized group. Everything, starting with religious participation, art, literature, and education, was a constraint for women to have access to.

        A shift in gender roles was a huge thing during colonial influence, particularly with regards to education and literacy, the outlawing of Sati, child marriage, and female infanticide. Women emerged as advocates of their rights and social reform against regressive thinking. Though there was a certain amount of gender-based reinforcement, women were treated equally.

        With several socio-economic developments, legal reforms, and modern cultural attitudes, women in the modern period have created their presence in almost every profession. The status and rights of women in the current era are all about protection and access to legal resources in cases of discrimination. Women are no longer restricted to their homes, but they are recognized for their leadership roles outside the home.  In modern times, there is a greater acceptance of women’s rights and empowerment. She is indeed the Shakti who can make wise, informed decisions, enabling oneself and others to live with dignity and respect.

        Women still have a long way to go before they are treated fairly with the dignity they deserve.

        AvatarKanika Khanna
            • Sadhak (Devotee)


            In Sanatan Dharma women have always been  treated equally to men.Lord Shiva who is also known as ‘Ardhnarishwar’ who is a combination of Shiv and Shakti.They both are equally worshipped in this form.Hindu religion is the only religion where in hindu scriptures where women are empowered and worshiped.Women were seen in different roles,in different era’s.According to Vedic rituals men and women have equal rights to perform them.3000 years back vedic culture  had no concept of feminism. Women used to have respect in the society,they enjoyed playing in field.There was freedom of expression and liberty.

            It is believed that the goddess form of the divine took birth  during Vedic period.The popular forms are: Goddess kali who destroyed the demons or negativity ,Goddess Durga  who was considered as the protector,Goddess Annapurna was symbolised as the one who nourishes and Goddess Lakshmi was symbolised for wealth and prosperity.

            Interestingly, not many people know that “Vedas were actually written by women sages”.Lopamudra and Maitreyi composed the Rigveda. Sage Gargi  asked several questions to sage Sage Yajnavalkya in ‘Brihadaranyaka Upanishad’.She showed curiosity in knowing the nature of the soul which many renowned philosophers failed to do so. Devi  Mahatmayam and Devi Bhagavata Purana gave poetry,dance,drama and worship. They were famously called ‘Bramhavadinis’. They had a great intellectual quality. The women who chose to get married instead of pursuing education are called ‘sadyovadhus’. During this phase common education was given to boys and girls  and they were given equal attention by the teachers. As per Rigveda it is clearly stated that a woman needs to be treated as a queen of the house.Rigveda supported remarriage of widows.

            In our hindu culture it is believed that God is everywhere. It is  believed that a soul keeps on taking birth and rebirths till his/her any type of desire finishes. We take birth in which form is decided by God.By killing a child in a womb we disrespect God’s decision. But today we have given power to women and they have become a strong personality today.

            In Sanatan Dharma women always had a special privilege.During Vedic period ill practices such as Sati never happened. When Mughals came ill practises started happening with women like kidnapping, rape,tourtures,strict women clothing, no education to girls,child marram etc.To save women from ill practices Sati pratha started.

            Females are still fighting for their rights even till today.Sanatan dharma is always progressive.We should learn from it that women are progressive and equivalent to men.Women oppression should be stopped in any form. They should be given wings to fly.

            Today women are in every field of society and coming with flying colours.Today women are sadly still fighting for  rights in patriarchal property and in her husband’s share.But these things will change over a period of time.Women is a form of Maa Shakti who makes wise decision for herself as well as for everyone around her be it family or friends. But even today women are competing with men,striving for success and emerging as a shining star.

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