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  • #2017
    AvatarKanika Khanna
        • Sadhak (Devotee)

        Reincarnation, also known as rebirth or transmigration.After the biological death the new life begins in a different physical form or a body.The body is perishable but the soul is immortal. The soul keeps on taking rebirths,till it attains moksha.There are Buddhist groups who do not believe in reincarnation.

        However, the Buddhist, Hindu and Jain traditions have different opinions, in their assumptions and on what reincarnates, how reincarnation occurs and what leads to liberation.

        The concept of reincarnation existed in the early Vedic religions. In Vedas there is  a mention of the doctrine of karma and rebirth.

        In the early Upanishads, which are pre-Buddha and pre-Mahavira,  these ideas are developed . Each of them gave a unique expression to the principle.

        In Sangam literature,It is said that the rituals involved making a rice ball called ‘pind’ and then cremating it.The good souls go to Indralok. In Jainism it is believed that the soul transmigrates till it attains moksha.

        In Buddhism it is believed  that an enlightened person knows everything about his previous births. By doing meditation and concentration this knowledge can be achieved.

        In ancient times the Vedic rishis contradicted this concept of afterlife as simplistic, because people do not live equally moral lives. Some are  virtuous;  evil too has degrees. This would be unfair for people, with varying degrees of ‘paap’ or ‘punya’ done by them and then ending up in heaven or hell. This introduced the idea of heaven or hell according  to one’s karma.

        The Science and Reincarnation :

        Traditional science may be skeptical. But, there is proof  that reincarnation exists. Hypnotism, past regressions and such activities are done to examine past incarnations, fears and traumas which cannot be explained by these life experiences.  Practicing meditation and some  special kind of breathing exercises or using psychoactive substances can produce a similar effect.


        On the basis of the individuals,feelings,description and discoveries we can find that that soul and reincarnation exist.

        There are certain facts about reincarnation:

        1.Soul Exists

        2.The soul evolves during reincarnation

        3.Your soul evolves best in physical form

        4 The soul needs many births and rebirths  to evolve during reincarnation.

        5.The soul doesn’t have any nationality, gender,or religion.

        6.Your soul sticks to one species

        7.Each life is roughly planned.

        8.Re incarnation assumes the law of Karma

        9.Reincarnation has a beginning and the end

        10.There is no hurry  to get enlightened.

        Karma decides where you come back and what you come back as. During a lifetime people build up karma, based on their actions . This karma affects their future lives and existence.Some Hindus believe you can even come back as a flower.

        The definition of moksha is the freedom from the eternal cycle of life, death, and rebirth. It is the most important objective of an individual who practices Hinduism. Moksha is derived from the Sanskrit word, muc, which means to be free, freedom from samsara.


        In Bhagavad Gita ,there is a mention of an important truth that every human being has a choice to  free itself from this cycle of life and death. The general trend is to have certain goals in life.

        This cycle can only be attained by following a path of spirituality and attaining moksha.

        There are four types of moksha:

        Sarsti – having equal opulence as the Supreme Lord.

        Samipya – to be a personal of God.

        Sarupya – having the same bodily features of those of the Supreme Person but for two or three symptoms found exclusively on the transcendental body of the Lord.

        Sayujya – merging one’s existence with Brahman.

        The ultimate aim of Hindus is self-liberation or self-realization (moksha).We should try to improve our actions in life by following our Guru’s.Having a guru to walk on spiritual path is very important. We should follow them and continue our journey to attain nirvana,and guide others also to follow the right path.

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