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  • #1484
    AvatarVedantika Mishra
        • Acharya (Teacher)
        • ★★★★

        The term ‘symbol’ implies a mark, a mudra, importing certain implications and ideas where lies, concealed and an expression of truth capable of depicting a vast source of wisdom. Symbolism is generally used to simplify human attempts to reveal the ultimate truth and principles giving ample occasion to the aspirants to interpret it in a way in which they will get their responses from and in themselves.

        In this connection, an approach to Hindu Trinity and their spouses, Lord Shiva is generally represented with matted hair, tiger skin, embellished with snakes, besmeared with ashes residing at Kailash.

        The matted hair manifests the span and the intensity of his tapas. The tiger skin apparel signifies Vairagya and  unconcern about body.The blue color of the neck symbolizes the pervasiveness.

        Lord Vishnu, lord of protection with four hands signifying the Dharma, Artha, Moksha, and Kama, the spiritual virtues. Goddess Lakshmi who is worshiped as the god of prosperity, her one palm spread downward signifies her character of giving offerings and other palms held upwards for encouragement. She is integrated with Lord Vishnu who has become Narayaṇa only due to her association, known as Lakshmi Narayaṇa The resort and refugees of all the material redemption.

        The mace in the fourth hand signifies the commanding and punishing capacity and the palm turned upward to secure protection for the distressed and the Bhadra mudra acknowledges the spiritual and divine bliss.

        Lord Brahma, is set on a fully bloomed lotus which signifies spiritual wisdom, projection, and procreation. His four faces are the four Vedas.Dasavatara of Vishnu has been a source of ideas and inspiration that have kept devotees  on a straight and narrow path of dharma.The symbol however is only of initial importance and suggests does not establish. 

        A reverent study of the principal symbols like Om is fascinating and is spiritual regarding. There are several written literature highlighting the significance of ॐ (OM). Theists have dozens of explanations explaining the beauty and significance the word carries. And the beauty is that every explanation sounds logical. The Mundakopanishad prescribes the spiritual aspirant to meditate for the integration of the self and the god using om for Japa. The vibration of ॐ symbolizes the manifestation of God in form. The power of  is ॐ such that all inner illusions and negativity melt away. This sacred syllable encircles the past, present, and future and is above the periphery of time. Of the countless names of God ॐ  is the powerful. The gita expounds upon the chants Aum-tat-sat.

        The Bhagavad Gita highlights the importance of chanting and significance of Aum in various verses.

         I am the father of this universe, the mother, the support and the grandsire. I am the object of knowledge, the purifier and the syllable ॐ I am also the Rig,the Sama and the Yajur Vedas. ( Bhagavad Gita 9.17)


        Therefore, transcendentalists undertaking performances of sacrifice, charity and penance in accordance with scriptural regulations begin always with ॐ to 

        attain the Supreme. (Bhagavad Gita 17.24)


         Highlights the importance of chanting ॐ and the importance it holds in traditions and the impact it creates over one’s body and soul.

          ॐ is not just the word or vibrations, but to think of om just as a word, sound, technique, is to miss out on its significance altogether.

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