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    AvatarJyoti Bhojwani
        • Sadhak (Devotee)


        Every person has always been social in search of relations, companionship, a sense of belonging group, and a purpose in life. All cultures and societies acknowledged the importance of people’s gatherings to work collectively to achieve a set of goals, such as sustenance, construction of shelter, or religious purposes. In the spiritual path where individuals with a sense of seeking truth and meaning in life physically come together this particular assembly has been christened Satsang. Derived from Sanskrit, Satsang is a combination of two words: Sat(Truth) and Sangha (Company or Association). In its deepest sense, it means ‘being with the truth’ or ‘being with the wise.

        Satsang is a term that has its origins from ancient periods of spirituality with the primary usage in the context of Sanatan Dharma or Hinduism but over time it has evolved to be general and involves the act of associating with like-minded people whose principles and behaviours are a source of positive influence. Satsang has now become somewhat over time becoming a worldwide phenomenon where various spiritual groups have incorporated it into their gatherings as a way of enhancing everyone’s spiritual training, support, and harmonious living.


        Satsang as a practice is probably as old as human civilization and it belongs to the cultural and mythological spirit of the Indian subcontinent. This piece has been an important element of spiritual practice in the lives of prophets, monks and even students for thousands of years. The concept of assembly to deliberate over and to meditate on spiritual messages is referenced in the Vedas, Upanishads as well as the Bhagavad Gita.


        The Upanishads, the source of Hindu philosophy, state that Satsang is commendable as it assists in the attainment of the ultimate truth (Brahman) through the exchange of information with a knowledgeable guru. Possibly the first instance where Satsang has been underlined is in the Chandogya Upanishad where it is held, “As a river after joining the ocean becomes the ocean, he who joins a Satsang of wise men becomes wise”.

        In the Indian context, the aspiring ascetics used to flock around the Rishis and Yogis to get spiritual knowledge through discourses, practices, and contemplation. These assemblies were more of social/natural meetings but contained profound processes whereby people could associate themselves with the higher realities of life. This was based on the idea of a master-disciple relationship whereby the student is directly trained by the teacher in a Satsang environment.

        Who Popularized the Practice of Satsang?

        The practice of Satsang emerged gradually and without any specific leaders; however, there were many important sages who helped make Satsang mainstream and systematic. Among them a famous figure is Adi Shankara, the great philosopher and spiritual leader who lived in the eighth century, known for his contribution to the Satsang as part of the Advaita Vedanta tradition. He toured India, establishing academies and congregating religious scholars to contemplate the nature of existence, stressing fellowship with the learned.

        Adi Shankaracharya

        Many great souls like Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Swami Vivekananda, Kabir Dev and Mirabai also preached about the greatness of Satsang. To such individuals, Satsang was not only an avenue for acquiring knowledge but also an opportunity to attain spiritual communion through group meditation and prayers.

        Evolution of Satsang

        Although in the course of centuries, practice has changed forms for obtaining Knowledge (Bhagwan), but satsang remained unchangeable as a stationary-point. This type of communication has taken place in ashrams, temples, spiritual retreats away from populated areas throughout history where willingness students would sit at the feet their gurus for satsang. They were usually one-on-one or small group meetings, intimate conversations about scripture and spiritual truths.

        With times, Satsang spread all over above and beyond the temples and monasteries. Saints like Guru Nanak, founder of Sikhim have talked and preaches the further spread to Satsang so all can come together in a group act for seeking spiritual truth. In Sikhism, spiritual gatherings are known as Sangat, which is a time and place for people to listen to the Guru’s teachings: Bani sangrah (anthology), or waheguru respectively.

        Date back to the 7th—17th centuries, The Bhakti Movement in India similarly helped popularise Satsang Saints like Kabir, Tulsidas and Mirabai preached devotion to God through collective bhajans (a form of devotional singing), spiritual knowledge. Satsang had become a way of enjoying divine love and leaving all the restrictions of race, caste, color differences.

        Satsang has become more open and independent — one need not opt for Ashrama Sanyasa to get liberation, thanks to the proliferation of spiritual organizations and movements such as the Brahma Kumaris, the Art of Living Foundation, and the teachings of spiritual leaders like Sri Ramana Maharshi, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, and Sadhguru. Satsangs can now be virtually conducted in the wake of modernization: technology has allowed virtual spaces for people from different parts of the world to gather together and seek spiritual understanding.

        The Importance of Satsang in contemporary times

        In the stressed and material world today, when people are constantly bombarded with pressures, distractions, running to meet unrealistic deadlines, we see the importance of Satsang. It is quite common in modern life to feel disconnected and forgotten — from oneself, others and the bigger story of one’s life. The remedy to this discomfort is satsang, a place where people can come together and slow down or reconnect with ourselves find solace in others who are on the same path as us looking for truth.

        1. Emotional and Psychological Benefits
        As mental health issues like anxiety, depression, loneliness etc are becoming more and more prevalent, Satsang is an ideal space where people can achieve calmness and solitude. The positive energy that people share in Satsang helps people feel connected and minimizes loneliness and, thus, heals their emotions.

        Listening to spiritual teachings during Satsang, group meditation, and devotional singing make people feel that they are protected emotionally and have inner strength to fight with any problems. It enables the person to give a brief escape from the hustle and bust of life with the aim of helping one to meditate about their faith journey and even the purpose of life.

        2. A Sense of Community and Belonging.
        The society today is Animistic, people are lonely and disk centered individuals, but Satsang helps bring together like-minded people. Regular Satsang serves as a vehicle that lets people remember that they are on this journey alone and that there are other people who have similar beliefs and goals.

        The feeling of oneness, and support, one gets in Satsang brings about a wonderful feeling of fellowship. This is especially so since many people may not feel a part of the conventional church or may want the experience of a more direct spiritual connection. In a Satsang, there is no superiority and subordination issue and there is no particular formality such as people sitting in rows— all are treated as equal in the journey of attaining the ultimate truth or self-realization.

        3. Space for self-reflection and absolute spiritual growth for a man.
        One key function of Satsang is that it gives people time and place to contemplate and analyze who they are or what they’re doing, free from outside interference and surrounding clamor. They attend fellowship meetings and indulge in discussions, pray and meditate; this makes them have a self search where they analyze their minds, hearts and all their actions.

        In addition to the general spiritual teachings given in Satsang, the teachings include points of self-orientation and assessment to enable the person to know their strengths and areas of challenge in their spiritual journey. This kind of self-reflection is crucial for healing and becoming a new better version of ourselves since it helps people develop self-acceptance, patience, and kindness.

        The Importance of Satsang Across Age Groups and Diverse Communities

        Another aspect that one can find astonishing is the fact that Satsang captures diverse participants, ranging from young people to elderly ones, and people of different professions. All ages, sex, and color are welcome to Satsang; people do not come together for the practice because they are sick or in need of something, but rather because they want to find the truth.

        1. Youth
        It is a positive opportunity for children and youth, as in Satsang they can get the basic knowledge of spiritual values, moral conduct, and the necessity of spiritual life. In today’s generation where children are easily influenced by peers, materialism and social media, Satsang offers a positive environment where young people are instilled with strong moral principles and values for spiritual growth.

        Religious institutions including Chinmaya Mission and Ramakrishna Mission also have children and teenager programs where such children can listen or read stories in Satsang and or join group discussions about sacred scriptures. These programs aid youth to learn about themselves and their environment in a way that encourages virtues like empathy, gratitude and humility.

        2. For adults
        In the spiritual path of Life, Satsang is the backbone for the adult population in terms of motivation and directions. No matter the circumstances where a person is in his life – if he is struggling with existential issues, work-life problems, or even if there is nothing specifically disturbing him/her and the person just wants to find tranquility, Satsang is a place where the person will be able to come and get the answers to his questions and receive guidance.

        Many can still feel hectic in terms of their family and other responsibilities, their job or any other obligations, when in their most productive years or in their most productive physical conditions. Satsang assists them by providing them with a place that they can go and relax , get a break from life and get charged up. Sometimes the lessons taught in Satsang are basic logical truths and maxims that give people realistic advice on how to manage their lives in this crowded world and still not get lost in the crowd.

        The feeling of belonging one acquires at Satsang can thus help in the process of seeking comfort during tough times and this may be regarding personal problems, family problems or even business issues. These achievements foster motivation for attaining success since adults have a source of strength and hope drawn from the company of like-minded individuals who have passed through the same challenges in life.

        3. Elderly Population

        For the eldery, Satsang has special importance. In many cultures, particularly Indian, elderly people are acknowledged as wise, experienced people and although they are welcome to participate in Satsang, they are also given a chance to reach the next level in the spiritual path if that is what they want. Some people are going to start asking existential questions, such as the meaning of life, what it means to die, and what comes after. Members find solace interacting in satsang because it provides them with an environment that lets them think in that way together with other like-minded persons.

        Hence Satsang is more like a comfort for many elderly people when they are afflicted and troubled by ailments that accompany old age or by loneliness due to the loss of dear ones. Satsang enables them to feel that they belong and also get spiritual foods that assist them to change their attitude towards life, find a reason to accept what has happened to them and hence be able to embrace the final stage of life as a natural part of life.

        Further, witnessing Satsang may be beneficial for the elderly as they find themselves more connected to the Divine and less anxious about the future that comes with aging.

        Essentiality of Satsang in the Current World Scenario

        Satsang is indeed perfectly timed with the current world where people focus more and more on distractions, technology, and social norms. The high-stress lives of people today can create feelings of loneliness, fear, and general emptiness in people’s minds. In such times, one needs a method to unwind and one such method that resolves this is by participating in Satsang that involves individuals coming together to align themselves with their inside and outside world as well as spirituality.

        Thus, one of the important values of Satsang lies in the fact that it can help people develop the idea of commonality. Living in a selfish world where people tend to set themselves apart from others and even compete with each other, Satsang speaks of togetherness, being kind, and respecting one another. It helps the members realize that they are not alone and you are part of a group that is in search of the truth and together, you and your fellow members are stronger than you are individually.

        True association also helps people liberate themselves from the unending consumption cycle and shallow pursuits of life. When people are raised to believe that the measure of success lies in monetary gains or social standing, Satsang provides an alternative for people to look inside and find true happiness. It challenges people to live the quantity of inner satisfaction, instead of counting the amount of possessions outside.

        Role of technology in modern satsang

        Satsang has also transformed with the help of technology and its forms that were beyond imagination some time back. Nowadays, people do not have to attend Satsang physically as a spiritual congregation because people from all over the world can tune into the meeting online. Now there are Satsangs broadcast live, recorded messages and discussion and support groups for people on their spiritual journeys.

        Even though the physically arranged Satsangs are also very effective for a great deal, the virtual Satsangs have proved more advantageous because they spread teachings to the world. It is perhaps particularly paramount for people who may not be able to join local religious associations, they are physically, financially, or time constrained from getting to such meetings. Technology helps people from different cultures come together and report their encounter with the divine therefore forming a world Satsang.

        Diversity in Satsang: People irrespective of the social cultural or even religious background.

        There’s a flair of the Satsang’s welcoming attitude towards everybody with no discrimination. Satsang therefore, although has its origin in Hinduism it is now also practiced by people of other faiths and belief systems. The concept of truth which is underlined in Satsang is what may attract people from all over the world, different cultures, beliefs, experiences, etc. ; thus, Satsang is the place where people can gather to share the aim of gaining wisdom and being free from suffering.

        In recent years, Satsang is not limited to a particular path or the teaching of one or the other Guru. It is important to note that a number of personalities from different religious affiliations have adopted practice of Satsang and today it exists in the Buddhist, Sikh, Christian and even secular spiritual practice. This basic concept is the same as in Ivakhiv’s primary communities: people gather in the company of truth and experience unity and togetherness.

        I found the multiculturalism of Satsang as it tends to show that people are coming to terms with the fact that enlightenment is not limited to the four walls of a religion. It gives stress to the attitude of tolerance and appreciation of different people and their stories. This is an important theme of inclusion especially in today’s society where division and bigotry prevails instead of patience and compassion.

        Conclusion: The Ever-Existing Relevance of Satsang

        Satsang has been practiced over the generations and has been subjected to developmental changes and current serves as a sacred platform for spiritual development and introspection and fellowship. Hinduism claims its root from the Indus Valley civilization though it has become even more relevant in today’s society as people look for meaning in their existence.

        To this end, while democratising the human condition, Satsang holds a sacred function of offering a platform for reparative healing, personality development, and fellowship for individuals of all ages, from all cultural and ethnical backgrounds, and in all phases of life. The novel also reminds the readers that the search for the truth is a social process that can be enhanced by other people’s knowledge, affection and care.

        However, in the context of growing hegemony of consumerism and the social understanding of success that dominates the contemporary world, Satsang is a unique proposition, which is based on the idea of happiness and spiritual improvement, and the value of unity. As described here, Satsang is done either live or in online platforms and it is still a way that unite human beings in the journey towards truth, inner –peace and spirituality.

        Satsang being a spiritual interaction has all the possibilities to bring difference to the troubled society and souls of people, to raise the level of consciousness and make the world better and wiser.

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