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  • #854
    Shrikruti SharmaShrikruti Sharma
        • Acharya (Teacher)
        • ★★★★

        The term Sanatan Dharma is generally misused today. It is a misconception that dharma means religion. Dharma does not mean religion; it means duties. So we are talking about different types of dharma: grihastha dharma, svava dharma, and other different types of dharma. Mainly, Dharma means certain duties that are relevant to our functioning in this existence. Grihastha Dharma refers to the duties and responsibilities of a householder, such as maintaining a family and pursuing a career. Swadharma, on the other hand, emphasises fulfilling our individual purpose and potential in life regardless of societal expectations. These duties may vary depending on our stage of life, circumstances, and personal beliefs. To lead a full and purposeful life, it is essential to understand and follow your dharma


        Even now, if you search somewhere, you will find many meanings of Sanatan, such as tradition or eternal. I don’t know, but one of us wrote it. Is it also mentioned in our Vedas, Upanishads, and Puranas? No, Shri Krishna teaches us that Dharma is Dharma, and Dharma is what is in the Gita. We have divided the Dharma given by Brahma into different pieces, and according to those pieces, we have added many things to the knowledge given in the Veda Purana. We are now in the 21st century, and we have seen that there is no such courtyard left where work is done according to the Puranas and Vedas of religion, and there are only people living in India and following religion. God. This is a matter of great concern for the people.


        If we talk about the present, we see how we are moving towards negative things. We do not think that the progress made so far is good, but if someone wants to move forward by moving away from religion, he will only face failure. It is important for us to understand that just as we have made laws and regulations, our religion also teaches us something about life: we have to live life by following certain rules, otherwise we will have to face bad consequences. If we talk about this issue, then I understand that we are not free even after so many years. We have endured the slavery of many people, one by one, but now that we are completely under their control, you will ask how we got Mahatma Gandhi and many others. The patriots have freed us, but friends, we have lost our modernity, our values, and our culture. Annie Besant described Hinduism as the supreme religion of the world. She called her the mother of all sects. She found in Hinduism a complete harmony between science and religion. They say that India has no future without Hindutva. This means that if some people feel that by changing or leaving their ancestral religion, they will put it in danger, then it is also certain that their existence will also be in danger. I would only say that the sooner those who convert due to foreign invaders and religious leaders understand this, the better. It doesn’t matter if they don’t understand, because then they have to give their children the same future that the children of Syria and Iraq have. 


        Religion is a personal belief, and should be replaced with genuine understanding and voluntary choice. Blindly following foreign invaders and religious leaders can leave a legacy of violence and devastation for generations. It is important to educate yourself before making any significant changes in personal beliefs, especially when religion is involved. Failure to do so can have negative long-term consequences that can affect not only oneself but future generations as well. At present, in the name of religion, the crusade of religions is going on in the world for hundreds of years. In the name of religion, people are engaged in destroying each other. No one understands the meaning of religion, although now there are more people who consider their religion to be the path to truth and do not hesitate to criticise other people’s religions. In fact, religions are no longer religions but have become communal, criminal, and terrorist organisations. It is also a weapon to grab power. There are hundreds of people from every religion. Organized religions have made the world almost hellish. While there are many good people who practise organised religion, its institutional structure has led to problems and conflicts throughout history. Additionally, the strict dogmas and rules prescribed by some religions can be oppressive and limiting for believers. However, it is worth noting that organised religion has also brought comfort and guidance to many people, providing a sense of community and purpose in their lives. Ultimately, the impact of organised religion on the world is complex and depends on a variety of factors.

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