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  • #2088
    AvatarShaini Dudela
        • Sadhak (Devotee)

        A human identified with social and cultural reference based on gender is known as woman. Primarily, when born they are called As baby child, Time passes and  they become young girl, Along with time they become a adult as women. In this cycle of being born as infant and becoming women, women has to go through lot of physical and mental changes depending up on the environment they grow along with social conditions. Hinduism is the virtue of womanhood and the essential role women have in nurturing future generations.

        Secondary sex

        Livelihood, the way of living with cultures beliefs made based on traditions is called society. Leading a life based on sanatan dharma is Hindu society where women are shown as a powerful girl, women, wife, daughter, and weapon to demolish the evil within our society. Apparently women in Hindu society are pictured as weaker and oppressed gender but if we look deeper into the history like Mahabharat their are women like Draupadi who were beautiful, intelligent, fearless, fiery, strong-willed, loyal and undoubtedly one of the first feminists in our scriptures who truly inspires every generation.

        • Vedas also hold women in high esteem and address them as dharma Patni (one who promotes and preserves the rightful conduct of life).
        • Traditionally in Hinduism, a woman’s role has been seen as supporting family life including playing an important role in the religious activities of the family.
        • In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna pointed out to his disciple Arjuna that women are as worthy and as capable as men of achieving liberation, or moksha.
        • In Ancient times, women were treated as the treasures which was why, they were permitted to stay at Homes with some boundaries and restrictions along with responsibilities which made them queen of the house.
        • In the philosophical debates of the Upanishads, as well as scholars, teachers and priestesses during the Vedic and early Buddhist age. Among women acknowledged in the Upanishads are Gargi and Maitreyi.
        • In Hindu mythology, women were portrayed as panchabhutas Like Ahalya as water, Draupadi as fire, Sita as the earth, Tara as wind, and Mandodari as the sky.
        • In fact, Hinduism is the only religion where women are worshipped as goddesses and are given equal importance in every aspect. Women are shown as most powerful and respectful  both in human and divine form. Such as
        • Goddess Kali- the dark One. Fiercest mother figure of all. Slayer of Demons.
        • Goddess Sita- Loyal to her Husband. kind to all beings.
        • Goddess sarswati – Goddess of Knowledge, the power of speech, wisdom, and learning.

        All of the women in history represent the legacy of womanhood, capable of doing anything for a good mankind.


        TGoddess Kali Maa

        So, Along with evolution and development of the world, women started exploring more about themselves and starting conquering whatever they desired. After a lot of women empowerment, there came a lot of changes in the society standards about women. Women have gone through a lot to break the stereotypes of societal norms. But with the greatest men and women visionary like Jyothi Rao Phule, Savitri bhai Phule, Ambedkar, Nehru, Gandhi We have come a very long way where women are not just a housewife who runs home and takes care of their family and children but  became rulers like the Rani Rudrama Devi in the Kakatiya Dynasty, Sarojini Naidu, a poet , freedom fighters and a feminist and also Indira Gandhi, The first female prime minister of India. Women from every generation have always kept inspiring the future generation about a lot of aspects that are running in our society.

        Women aren’t just girls or women are designated to grow up, become adults, get married and have children but they are the pride of the house. light of Tomorrow. The fact that women were under the hierarchy of the men can’t be denied but along with time everything has changed. As said In Bhagavad Gita where Arjuna States that “where women are prayed and treated with respect, there will be the presence of God, the good will prevail”. In this generation too, where women are given the respect equally with the men then it is said to be the moment of equality and respect. Women in Hindu society are truly inspiration in both human and divine form.

        Love women, Respect women.

        Because women are not just women they are the creators.

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