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    AvatarKavita Nayak
        • Sadhak (Devotee)

        Introduction to Rudraksh

        Have you ever heard of Rudraksha? Does that make you again connected with the divine God Shiva? Well, you are right. Rudraksh symbolizes purity, energy, cosmic force, and emotions that genuinely resemble and join us with our beloved ‘Lord Shiva.’

        The Story Behind the Sacred Rudraksh 

        Many legends bind Rudraksh with Shivji. Rudra means ‘Lord Shiva,’ and Raksha means ‘Tears.’ Our sacred Vedic scriptures, such as Shivpuran and Devibhagwatam Rudraksha, are believed to be Bhagwan Shiva’s tears. Once, there was a demon called Tripurasura. He was creating havoc in the lives of people and disturbing all the Gods and saints. Depressed and helpless, they all decided to approach Lord Shiva. Later, all the gods prepared themselves to battle against Tripusara. He reached a point where Lord Shiva could use only one arrow to kill him. This made Shivji angry, so he took his rudra disguise and killed Tripurasura. After the victory, all the gods returned to their abode. Shivji also returned to the Himalayas and began meditating. After completing his meditation, he opened his beautiful eyes, and a tear of compassion fell on the earth. This is how the Rudraksh tree came into existence.

        In ancient times, Yogis, Rishi Munis, and our great saints used Rudraksh for spiritual chanting and meditative purposes. The trees of Rudraksh seeds (Elaeocarpus ganitrus) are usually seen in southeast Asia, especially in Indonesia, Nepal, and the northern Plain region of the Himalayan regions.

        The color of the Rudraksh seeds varies in shades and ranges in colors like brown, black, yellow, red, and white. The brown-colored beads are famously used widely.

        Types of Rudraksh and its benefits 

        It varies from 1 to 21 types. These beads are found in one cut or Mukhs. But the wearable ones belong to category 1 to 14 mukhs. Let us look at each kind of Rudraksh and its benefits.

        One Mukhi Rudraksh

        As per Astrology, One Mukhi Rudraksh is associated with Lord Mahadev. This Rudraksh brings mental peace and clarity and enlightens one’s consciousness. It also helps balance neurological disorders, helps cure depression, and increases concentration power. The wearer experiences unaffected by all worldly desires. The beej mantra linked to one mukhi rudraksh is ॥ॐ नमः शिवाय॥ 

        Two Mukhi Rudraksh

        Ardhanareshwar, Lord Shiva, and Parvati’s divine form govern two Mukhi Rudraksha. This Rudraksh is a sign of harmony and unity. It destroys insecurity and fear and brings inner peace and happiness in relationships. The ruling planet of this Rudraksh is the Moon. Thus, the two Mukhi Rudraksh balance the power of the Moon and emotional instability. The Beej mantra is ॥ॐ नमः॥

        Three Mukhi Rudraksh

        Three Mukhi Rudraksh is ruled by the planet Sun God. Wearing this rudraksh releases all feelings of shame, hurt, low self-esteem, anger, and bondages of past karma. It paves the way for success in their birth. It is also believed that one who wears Three Mukhi Rudraksh attains Moksha. The three sides represent Lord Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh. This unique Rudraksh heals up liver and stomach ailments. The Beej mantra for this Rudraksh is ॥ॐ क्लीं नमः॥

        Four Mukhi Rudraksh 

        Four mukhi rudraksh is represented by the god Brihaspati, who rules Planet Jupiter. One who wears this Rudraksh can gain immense knowledge and learn about the art of creativity. Moreover, it helps them open the vocal cord and expand memory power. They are blessed with melodious speech. The beej mantra is ॐ ह्रीं नमः

        Five Mukhi Rudraksh 

        Rudra Kalgani rules five Mukhi Rudraksh. This Rudraksh directs those searching for their higher form, known as UpaGuru. This Rudraksh attains strong memory, intellect, and word power and builds more awareness among the individual. The beej mantra is ॥ ॐ ह्रीं नम ॥ 

        Six Mukhi Rudraksh. 

        The Six Mukhi Rudraksh is governed by Lord Kartikeya. It is said that the wearer is bestowed with six sense qualities of Lord Kartikeya, such as quick wit, action, fearlessness, desires, and youthful appearance. It mainly benefits soldiers and athletes as it helps them develop strong willpower and controls jealousy, anxiety, and aggression. The beej mantra is ॥ ॐ ह्रीं ह्रौं नमः ॥ 

        Seven Mukhi Rudraksh

        Seven Mukhi Rudraksh demonstrates the Goddess of Wealth, i.e., Goddess Lakshmi. Those who wear it are blessed with wealth and significant health and are free from miseries and financial and luck issues. It grants the power of the planet Venus to the wearer with abundance, harmony, and peace of mind. The Beej mantra is

        ॥ ॐ हूम  नमः॥ 

        Eight Mukhi Rudraksh. 

        Lord Ganesha (son of Lord Shiva) is a sign of the Eight Mukhi Rudraksha. Lord Ganesha removes all obstacles from the lives of devotees. These beads give wisdom, support, stability, and freedom from the fear of failure. The celestial snake Ketu is associated with creating difficulties in one’s life. The Beej mantra is ॥ ॐ हूम  नमः॥ 

        Nine Mukhi Rudraksh

        Mother Durga governs nine Mukhi Rudraksh. Due to this, Rahu’s maleficent effect is nullified. You will get power, liberation (Moksha), Bhoga (all worldly comforts), fearlessness, and freedom from evil spirits. The Beej mantra is ॥ ॐ ह्रीं ह्रौं नमः॥ 

        Ten Mukhi Rudraksh 

        Lord Narayan, an avatar of Narayana, rules this bead. One who wears it is free from stress, protected from negative energies, black magic, and evil eyes, removes debts, gives success in court cases, and is bestowed with happiness and joy. The Beej mantra is ॥ ॐ ह्रीं नमः नमः॥  

        Eleven Mukhi Rudraksh

        In our sacred texts, it is believed that wearing Eleven Mukhi Rudraksh attains benefits like 1000 Ashvamedha yagya. It blesses the wearer with the strength of proper judgment, fearlessness, senses, success, creativity, self-confidence, and strong vocabulary. It removes the harmful effects of all planets. The 11 rudras rule it. The beej mantra is ॥ ॐ ह्रीं ह्रौं नमः॥ 

        Twelve Mukhi Rudraksh 

        The Rudraksh bead is ruled by Surya (sun god). The wearer gets the power of brilliance and radiance. They are blessed with self-power, confidence, and high self-esteem, which relieves stress, anxiety, and worries. The beej mantra is ॥ ॐ क्रौं क्षौं रौं नम:॥  

        Thirteen Mukhi Rudraksh 

        Lord Kamadev and Indra empower Thirteen Mukhi Rudraksh. It frees the wearer from hypnotism power, blesses them with charisma, raises kundalini power, and mitigates the harmful effect of Venus and the Moon in one’s birth chart. The beej mantra is ॥ ॐ ह्रीं नमः ॥ 

        Fourteen Mukhi Rudraksh 

        The precious Deva Mani, i.e., the fourteen Mukhi Rudraksh, is ruled by Hanuman Ji. It invokes all the qualities of Hanuman ji in his wearer, like being fearless and maintaining a steady life with proper balance. Additionally, the wearer is blessed with divine excellence, discipline, and unwavering devotion. The Rudraksh protects from the evil effects of Mars planet and decreases manglik dosh in the chart. The Beej mantra is ॥ ॐ नम:॥ 

        Fifteen Mukhi Rudraksh

        This powerful bead heals the heart chakra. The wearer gets free from sadness and loneliness, cures heart ailments, achieves success, helps attain deepest desires, and gives name and fame. Moreover, it helps people gain wealth and seek immense knowledge and liberation. Lord Pashupatinath rules it. The beej mantra is

        ॥ ॐ ह्रीं नम: 

        Sixteen Mukhi Rudraksh

        Lord Shivas Mrityuanjaya form rules this divine Rudraksha. It nullifies the Moon’s effect and gives stability, safety, rational thought, fearlessness, victory, security, and protection against all evils. It also increases intimacy in relationships and teaches the power of self-reformation. The beej mantra is ॥ ॐ ह्रीं ह्रौं नमः॥ 

        Seventeen Mukhi Rudraksh 

        Vishvakarma (architecture of the universe) rules the seventeenth Mukhi Rudraksha. It is beneficial for political leaders, business people, and project leaders. This Rudraksh bestows the fruit of dharma, artha, kama, and Moksha. This is ruled by Mother Katyayani (divine form of Maa Durga). It helps remove obstacles and gives you prosperity in life. One can get their desired partner, good luck, and be free of sadness, fear, losses, and diseases. The beej mantra is ॥ ॐ ह्रीं ह्रौं नमः॥   

        Eighteen Mukhi Rudraksh 

        Goddess Bumidevi (wife of Lord Vishnu) rules this, Rudraksh. The wearer gets intelligence, wealth, and prosperity as it is one of the most potent rudraksh. By blessing Mother Earth, the rudraksh immediately leads to better land dealing, helps businesses prosper, and attracts immense wealth. It also balances a person and helps them stay grounded and face challenges in life. The beej mantra is ॥ औम् हरीम् श्रीम् वासुधाये स्वाहा ॥

        Nineteen Mukhi Rudraksh 

        A scarce form of bead ruled by Lord Narayana. The wearer gets tremendous wealth, good health, business skills, education, and no employment obstacle. It acts as a kavacha (protection) against negativity and helps fulfill desire. It also attracts ideal partners. The Beej mantra is ॥ ॐ ह्रीं हुं नमः. सामान्य लाभ: ॥   

        Twenty Mukhi Rudraksh

        Lord Bhrama (creator of the world) rules the twenty Mukhi Rudraksh. One who wears the rudraksh attains power, prosperity, knowledge, and wealth, fulfills desires, and helps to get projects done. The beej mantra is ॥ ॐ ह्रीं ह्रीं हुं हुं ब्रह्मणेय नमः. सामान्य लाभ:॥   

        Twenty-One Mukhi Rudraksh 

        This is one of the rarest Rudraksh, ruled by Lord Kubera (the lord of wealth). If worn by an individual, it can make them rich, abundant, famous, give all pleasures, and fulfill materialist desires. It is a sign of prosperity and luck. The beej mantra is ॥ ॐ यक्षाय कुबेराय वैश्रवणाय धनधान्याधिपतये धनधान्य समृद्धिं मे देहि दापय स्वाहा ॥

        How to wear a Rudraksh and the rules to follow: 

        Here are some of the rules to follow if you are wearing Rudraksh:

        • Rudraksh can be worn irrespective of gender, culture, or age.
        • It must be worn around the neck.
        • People wearing it for the first time need to soak it in Ghee for 24 hours and then ilk for the next 24 hours.
        • Then rinse it with water and wipe it with a clean cloth.
        • After this process, cover the rudraksh with sacred ashes (Vibhuti) that bind with vibrancy.

        • The rudraksh must be hung in thread made of raw silk or undyed cotton.
        • It can be worn with any metal, like silver, gold, or copper.
        • The rule is that Rudraksh should not be cut apart.
        • Cold showers can be taken without using any scented soap around. Otherwise, you can keep it aside in a safe place while showering.
        • Women can wear Rudraksh beads during their menstruation.
        • If you cannot wear a Rudraksh, keep it in a clean silk or cotton cloth. Keep it in a clean place or on the floor.
        • The holy Rudraksh must be kept on the altar and offered fruits and jaggery flowers every fourth night or month. Also, light a lamp full of pure cow ghee.
        • Take care of the beads by washing, drying, and oiling. Practice the technique of reenergizing to prevent Rudraksh from drying up.
        • Mediate using the Rudraksh mala.
        • Since these beads are divine, they should not be lent to others or worn by them.









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