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  • #1888
    AvatarKavita Nayak
        • Sadhak (Devotee)

        Have you ever been to the Lord Jagganath Temple at Puri? What is the first thing that has caught your attention? The beautiful infrastructure of the temple, along with the enchanting idol of Lord Jagannath, his brother Balbadra, and his sister Subhadra. Jagganath Temple is one of the divine places of the Char Dham Pilgrimage worldwide. It is the abode of the heavenly Lord Vishnu, the creator of the entire universe and the father of all humankind. This temple has a miraculous tale associated with him. His presence can be felt everywhere if prayed with utmost devotion and dedication. This is all it would take to feel the eternal connection and bliss to the almighty. So, here is the remarkable real tale behind the Lord Jagganath Temple.

        Immense Devotion of Indrayumna

        There was a great king named Indrayumna. He was a great devotee of Lord Vishnu and wished to meet his Prabhu and worship him personally. So, one day, a Brahmin came to his place while he was relaxing in his kingdom. He told the king that an incarnation of Lord Vishnu stood, known as ‘Nila Madhava.’

        So the king sent different Bhramana to search for the divine Lord  Nila Madhava. The Brahmana went in search of the idol in all directions. Everyone returned empty-handed except for a priest named Vidyapati.

        Vidyapati’s Discovery

        After traveling for a while, Vidyapati came to a place called sabaras, inhibited by Non-Aryan people. There, he stayed at the place of the local chief residence known as Visvavasu. When he arrived at their place, he was greeted by his daughter Lalita. Later, Vidypati fell in love with Lalita and decided to marry her.

        One fine day, Vidyapati sensed Visvavasu’s peculiar odd behavior. He saw his father-in-law going out daily and returning around noon. He thought of asking Lalita, as Visvavasu would smell like camphor, musk, and sandalwood. Lalita spilled the beans about his father, worshipping Nila Madhava daily. Until she realized what had just occurred, Lalita was in trouble as she broke her father’s promise. To which now Vidyapati repeatedly urged to meet Nila Madhava.

        The divine sight of Nila Madhava

        Visvavasu, on his son-in-law’s request to meet Nila Madhava, blindfolded him and took him along. Vidyapati secretly carried mustard seed tied in a cloth and spread it all along the way. As they reached near to the Lord, his bounded eyes were freed, and he could see the glorious deity Nila Madhava. He was filled with immense joy. Later, Visvavasu went out to collect the flowers from the nearby forest to worship the Lord. In contrast, Vidyapati stayed near Nila Madhava.

        At that time, a crow from a nearby tree fell off and drowned in the nearby lake. The crow immediately took the four-armed vaikunta form and began his journey to the spiritual world. Seeing all this, Vidypati got up and started climbing the tree. As he decided to jump into the lake, a heavy voice came from the sky, “Now that you have found Nila Madhava, King Indrumnya must be informed immediately.

        The ultimate Wish of Lord Vishnu

        In the meantime, Visvavasu returned with forest flowers to worship the Lord. Suddenly, the Lord said, “ I have accepted the flowers and roots offered to me from so many days. Now, I wish to obtain the royal worship offered to me in devotion by King Indrayumna. Visvavasufelt betrayed, and he locked up Vidyapati in his house arrest. On repeated pleadings by his daughter Lalita, he was released and was told to go off. Vidyapati soon reached the kingdom and told the King about the discovery of Nila Madhava. They followed the mustard trail that led them to the Deity. But on reaching the place, there was no one to be found. Soon, King Indrayumna ordered the arrest of Visvavasu.

        Suddenly, a godly voice appeared from the sky, saying, “ Release the Sabara. On the hilltop of Nila Hill, you must construct a temple. There, I will manifest in the form of Daru-Bhraman (the absolute truth in the Wodden Form). There, you won’t see me as Nila Madhava.

        The construction of the Miraculous Jagganath Temple

        The construction of the temple began. As soon as the construction finished, King Indrayumna wanted Lord Bhrama to dedicate the temple. So he started his journey off to Bhramalok and waited there for Bhramaji. Until then, the temple was completely covered with sand while he was away. Soon, after a short visit, King Indrayumna returned. He was surprised as Galamadhava was claiming to build the temple himself. There was a crow who lived on the nearby tree, constantly singing the glories of Lord Rama. He had seen the temple’s construction and said that King Indrayumna built the temple while  Galamadhava uncovered the sand-covered temple.

        As Galamadhava lied about the temple construction, he was punished and sent to live outside the temple on the western side of Indrayumna Sarovara Lake by Lord Bhramha. King Indrayumna then requested Lord Bhramha to hallow the temple and surrounding areas. This area was known as Shri Kshetra and was given the highest form of liberation. Bhramhaji then exclaimed that  Shri Kshetra is manifested as the Supreme Lord’s internal potency and that the Lord manifests himself in this place. So he could not install the Lord here, but Lord Jagganath and his abode are situated in this material world. Therefore, the flag on the top of the temple came into existence, and whoever offered obeisance to the temple would quickly obtain liberation.

        Manifestation of the Lord Jagganath 

        After some time, King Indrayumna got frustrated on now seeing Nila Madhava. He decided to lie on Kusa grass and go on fast until his death. One day, Lord Jagganath came into King’s dream and told him he would come floating from the sea in the woods as Daru-Bhraman at Mukhimuhan. As the king arrived at the place, he saw a massive piece of wood with marks of clubs, discs, lotus, and conch.

        Many kingsmen and elephants were appointed to move the Daru Bharaman, but it stayed there. That night, Lord Jagganath again appeared in the king’s dream. He told the king that he had to bring Visvavasu and get a golden chariot for Daru Bhramana. The following day, King Indrayumna did what he was asked to do. Daru-Bhramana can now be easily placed in the chariot. Bhramhaji then performed a sacrifice ritual and established a deity of Lord Narasimha on the Chariot at the place of the sacrifice arena. It is said that the deity of Lord Narasimha, which is placed on the western side of Muki Mandapa, is the original deity of Lord Narasimha.

        How the present Idol of Lord Jagannath came into existence

        King Indrayumna had organized the best sculptors to carve the Deity of Lord Jagannath from Daru Bhraman. But to his surprise, every time they tried, their chisel broke. Lord Vishnu disguised as the Ananta Maharana ( According to the Vedic Scriptures, Narada Purana, Vishvakarma, the divine architect of demigods, who carved the deities as instructed by Lord Vishnu). He took the role of Old Bhramana. He said he could carve the sculpture if allowed to work closed doors for 21 days.

        The sculptor then took Daru Bhramana inside the temple and closed the door. He worked harder to carve the sculpture day and night. On the 14th day, the king heard no voice from the chaises coming out of the closed door. He became very anxious and decided to forcefully open the temple door. The king overlooked the sculptor, but instead, he saw three forms of Lord Jagganath, his sister Subadra, and his brother Balrama.

        He remained stunned to see the fingers and toes of the deities remain unfinished. The king considered himself a great offender and decided to give up on his life. He lay on the kusa grass and began fasting. Lord Jagannath once again appeared in his dream. He told him he is situated in the form of Jagganath in the eternal form in the Nilachala as Daru Bhraman. Lord further said that he resides in 21 deity incarnations in his abode.

        The deity has no hands and legs, but he is transcendental and said to willingly accept all the items his beloved devotees offer. King Indrayumna is a matter of the past for Lord Jagganath to manifest in the Daru Bhramana. He further said lovingly that all his devotees will always see him holding a flute in the form of Shyamasundara.

        Never-ending Rituals performed at Lord Jagganath Temple

        King Indrayumna prayed to the Lord that those in the family of sculptors who helped manifest your form would continue to assist in constructing three carts. Moreover, the Lord said even the descendants of Visvavasu who served Nila Madhava should continue serving him generation after generation. They will all be referred to as Daityas.

        The descendants born from Vidyapati’s Bhramana wife, Lalita, must continue serving the Lord, and the female born from descendants of Lalita must cook food for the deity. They will be referred to as Suyaras. King Indrayumna requested the Lord Jagganath that the doors of the temples will remain close only for 3 hours. The king further promised that he would not have any descendants claim the temple of Lord Jagganath as their property.


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